Top Laravel Packages You Can Use To Optimize Your App

Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd.
4 min readSep 21, 2022
Top Laravel Packages You Can Use To Optimize Your App

Laravel is a framework for building web applications. It provides a fast and easy development environment for developers. Laravel is designed to make web development simple and easy by taking out the tedious tasks of authentication, routing sessions, sessions, caching, and session management. It doesn’t compromise application functionality, and allows developers to perform custom-defined operations. These packages allow you to access different databases in different ways, perform dependency injection and many other functions.

Laravel packages offer access to many of the useful features offered by the framework to the host application. This includes routing, migrations and views. A package also has the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle.

This blog will show you the best Laravel packages, which you should know and use regularly in Laravel applications.

What is Laravel?

Laravel Development

Laravel, the most widely used PHP framework to create web applications right now, offers an easy environment for developers and many services.

This blog will discuss the packages we need to use when developing Laravel applications.

The Best Laravel Packages

Let’s take a look below at the top Laravel packages that you can use for optimizing your application performance.


Many web applications are dependent on permissions and roles. Laravel had many packages that could be used by them, and also improved the core code. One of the best permissions packages is Spatie Roles &Permission.


Permissions Direct
Multiple Blade Directives
Artisan commands


The entrust Best Laravel Package allows you to add permissions to Laravel’s web application in a flexible manner. This package allows you to create four tables: permissions table and roles table, role table, role user, role table, and permission user table.

Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar, one of the best Laravel packages, allows users to add a developer toolbar (or more) to their applications. This package is used primarily for debugging. Debugbar offers many options. This will allow you to see all of the queries your application has — all that is related to the route. The call will display all rendered templates and all parameters passed. When you add the Facade, messages can be added. It will appear under the “Messages” tab in Laravel Debugbar.

Also Read: Need of Customized Laravel Development Services

Laravel User Verification

The laravel package allows developers to manage user verification and the email. One of the best laravel packages stores and generates a token for users, and then sends an email to verify. The laravel package offers full functionality.


Socialite is a laravel program that makes it easy to manage OAuth authentication. Developers can also log in to some of the most popular social media networks like Twitter, GitHub and Google.

Laravel Mix

Laravel mix was previously known as Laravel Elixir. This package from laravel is the best for 2022 because it provides a great Application Programming Interface to build your project. This is the best tool for asset compilation.

Migration Generator

This package is Best laravel and is used to generate migrations from a database. It also includes all foreign keys and indexes. Migrations can be created by any command that you run.

Eloquent — Sluggable

This package’s main purpose is to provide a slug, which is a simplified version of a strong. It prevents accented letters, spaces, and ampersands from being used, while also converting them into one case. The laravel package focuses on user satisfaction with its minimal and automated configuration system.

Also Read: Significance of Laravel Maintenance & Support Services


Bugsnag is a cross-platform that allows you to manage all coding errors. It also provides customized reporting and filtering. Bugsnag will send you notifications via Slack or Pagerduty, rather than emails.

Laravel Backup

This Laravel package makes a backup of all files in an application. It creates a zip file containing all files within the directory you specify, along with a dump from your database.


This package is an open-source version of laravel that is well-known in the laravel community. This package includes inventory management and multi-warehouse management, as well as other options. Bagisto’s admin panel provides functions such as access control level, multichannels and payment integration.

Final Conclusion

These are the top Laravel packages for website developers. Each package has its own unique USP. The packages can be selected according to your requirements. We at Laravel Development Company can help you improve the website’s workflow by Hire dedicated Laravel developers. If you have any questions, our team will be in touch with you immediately.



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